
Talks and Teaching

Talks and Teaching

TopicDateLocationDescriptionTarget AudienceTypeDate 1
Introduction to Graph Databases and Neo4j2018Department of Computer Science University of MumbaiConducted a one-day session on introduction to the fundamentals of Graphical Databases and Neo4j to MSc studentsUniversity Graduate StudentsLectureTalk
Digital Literacy using FOSS2018M-Power Learning Center MumbaiFacilitated digital literacy course by teaching usage of Free and Open Source tools
Conducted sessions for mixed-age group learners on using FOSS for education
Mixed-age group underprivilidged learnerLectureTalkTeaching
Algorithms and Python2017S.P.K. College SawantwadiConducted a one-day session on Algorithms and Introduction to Programming using PythonUndergraduate StudentsLectureTalk
Teaching Algorithms and PythonDecember 2017 to January 2018Department of Computer Science University of MumbaiTaught Algorithms and Python programming language to first-semester Masters course studentsUniversity Graduate StudentsLectureTeaching